GE - Une photo par jour
hhhhhhhhhhhhhSELECT o.*, m.titre_f AS module_titre , m.choix_themes AS module_choix_themes , m.id_module AS auteur_id_adresse , m.id_module AS auteur_id_adresse , m.titre_f AS auteur_titre , m.url_texte_f AS auteur_reference_rec_repertoire FROM netop_global_objet AS o INNER JOIN netop_global_module AS m ON o.objet_auteur_code = m.code_auteur WHERE 1=1 AND objet_auteur_code = 'upj_nicolasdchauvet' AND objet_date = '2014-03-11' numero=490

machine temporelle

Washington DC, mars 2014

"I think I am a realist... I make what I see. It's only the problem of seeing it. The universe is real, but you can't see it. You have to imagine it. Once you imagine it, you can be realistic about reproducing it" - Alexander Calder

[Nicolas D. Chauvet]

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