GE - Une photo par jour
hhhhhhhhhhhhhSELECT o.*, m.titre_f AS module_titre , m.choix_themes AS module_choix_themes , m.id_module AS auteur_id_adresse , m.id_module AS auteur_id_adresse , m.titre_f AS auteur_titre , m.url_texte_f AS auteur_reference_rec_repertoire FROM netop_global_objet AS o INNER JOIN netop_global_module AS m ON o.objet_auteur_code = m.code_auteur WHERE 1=1 AND objet_auteur_code = 'upj_maxjacot' AND objet_date = '2016-05-24' numero=3611

machine temporelle

"fags hate god" ?!



to tire or weary by labor; exhaust (often followed by out)... 


tire, weary, fatigue, exhaust, jade, fag mean to make or become unable or unwilling to continue... 


a student at a boarding school who is required to perform menial tasks for a student in a higher grade...

[Max Jacot]

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