"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time" - Mark Twain
"There never was a time when, in my opinion, some way could not be found to prevent the drawing of the sword" - Ulysses S. Grant
"I used to live in a room full of mirrors; all I could see was me. I take my spirit and I crash my mirrors, now the whole world is here for me to see" - Jimi Hendrix
"Most people think that shadows follow, precede or surround beings or objects. The truth is that they also surround words, ideas, desires, deeds, impulses and memories" - Elie Wiesel
"To achieve the mood of a warrior is not a simple matter. It is a revolution" - Carlos Castaneda
"The Universal view melts things into a blur" - E.M. Cioran
On ne comprend presque rien à l'image tant qu'on espère y comprendre quelque chose