Tellement de choses, mais si peu.
Au sens étymologique, la photographie s'apparente à l'écriture de la lumière.
Je me plais à imaginer qu'elle permet d'écrire AVEC la lumière.
Quitter son employeur après 12 ans et découvrir l'humanité, bonheur du photographe
You wanna go to Long Island... why ? There's nothing to see there
Tu sais que les gens que tu photographies à la sauvette peuvent avoir de puissants avocats ...? Viens plutôt boire un verre avec moi papa !
"New London, is that in New England ?" me demande-t-il après sa sieste
"I would prefer not to" (commande pour un retour 1)
"I would prefer not to" (commande pour un retour 2)
"I would prefer not to" (commande pour un retour 3)
"I would prefer not to" (commande pour un retour)
"I would prefer not to" (commande pour un retour)
commande b darnal: "I would prefer not to"
Les martinets copulent en vol et nous sur des matelas. Comme c'est curieux.
Natural smiles will bring your photographs to life – here's how to capture them..
1. Chat first
The key to capturing natural smiles is to make your subjects feel at ease around you. The more comfortable they feel, the more they'll relax and the truer their smiles will be. Make a point of taking the time to chat to your subjects before you start taking photos of them – they'll feel so much less self-conscious and you'll be rewarded with genuine smiles.
2. Eyes tight shut
Ask your subject to close their eyes tight shut, then ask them to open them suddenly – their muscles will have relaxed and the first smile you get with will lovely and open.
3. Happy triggers
When photographing children, forget the old “Cheese†mantra which only results in exaggerated squinting and false grins and instead show them something they like, like a favourite toy or get them to sing happy songs with you. This also works, with adults – ask a parent about their child and what them beam from ear to ear.
4. Banish flash
People tend to tense up when they're expecting a flash to go off and smiles become very forced and false. Shoot without it for more comfortable subjects and more natural smiles.
5. After pose
Most people automatically change the way they carry themselves when they know a camera is around and instinctively strike a pose when they know you're taking a picture. It's difficult to get people out of this mind set, so use it to your advantage – suggest several poses as means of an ice breaker, but look for the natural reaction when you suggest something silly and as they laugh when they come out of the poses – this is where you'll find the best pictures.
6. Keep busy
Giving your subjects something to do is a great idea as it distracts from the camera and will result in natural pictures. Just simple things like putting hair up in a ribbon or something funny like doing a set of star jumps gives people something to focus on and their true personality will shine through.
7. Capture candids
You will arguably get the best natural smiles when your subject is not focusing on the camera. Watch for interaction between people that results in genuine smiles, then shoot at the decisive moment, without attracting attention to the fact you're taking a photo. This takes patience and practice, but is well worth the effort.
8. Don't confuse it
When you're taking a portrait photo, it's important that you don't confuse your subject – telling someone that they're smiling wrongly or their smile looks false is just going to result in them feeling even more self conscious. Instead, compliment your subject, tell them they're looking good and encourage changes gently.
9. Don't wait
Talk to your subjects, make them feel at ease, but don't fall into the trap of waiting for them to finish talking before you shoot. Capturing your subject mid sentence or while they crack a joke will result in some beautiful natural smiles.
10. Be a comedian
If you can make people laugh, capturing natural smiles will become so much easier. A range of one-liners that are genuinely funny will serve you well, but being naturally funny is better – being able to crack jokes about yourself, your surroundings etc. will lighten the mood and make people laugh. Adults love self-depreciating jokes and kids love silly jokes and games.
Mode d'emploi pêché sur internet pour réussir ses portraits et éviter les fâcheux DISLIKE
Sous Bush 477 personnes ont été tuées au Pakistan par des drones, 2300 sous la présidence d'Obama.
Sources Libération
"La théorie suivant laquelle Johannes Vermeer aurait utilisé une camera obscura pour peindre une partie de son Å“uvre a été exposée pour la première fois en 1891 par le lithographe américain James Pennell. Elle a été depuis largement fondée par des chercheurs en histoire de l'art."
...fut le thème central d'une longue conversation de table pendant que nous engloutissions de savoureuses côtelettes d'agneau.
Au dessert, pensé aux 57 retours d'hirondelles que mon frère (presque cent kilos) aura vus, lui qui en pesait à peine quatre au seuil de son aventure d'homme.
Et cette réflexion, vite, avant de réintégrer le théâtre social : quel est le poids en kilos de la connaissance à 57 ans ?
Miam, c'est délicieux !
Jean-Luc : graphiste, gardien de piscine, photographe, danseur classique, percussionniste, père de famille, choriste et metteur en scène...
Lapalissade :
La si ténue frontière entre la peur et le plaisir n'est vraiment qu'une question de contexte.
Nuage, meules de foins et impermanence.
Rencontre avec Poulette Coquette, une poule voyageuse.
"Rêve de môme"
Femme au foyer sans enfants c'est possible?
Juste pour le concept de je cuisine, j'essaie pleins de petits plats, je fais du sport autant que j'en ai envie....
Ils prennent à l'essai?
toy camera
"Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift" - Albert Einstein
"I never sing in the shower either" - Barbra Streisand
"A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain" - Robert Frost
"One can find so many pains when the rain is falling" - John Steinbeck
"I have brought myself, by long meditation, to the conviction that a human being with a settled purpose must accomplish it, and that nothing can resist a will which will stake even existence upon its fulfillment" - Benjamin Disraeli
"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent" - Mahatma Gandhi
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before"- Edgar Allan Poe