?At that moment, enthralled, even her heartbeat became a drumbeat; His!
?In that space she did not recognize and, never seen before; her story, of arrival, heightened into a song, and, that song, into an opera. She asked:
- Where am I? Who are you? Why, are you touching me with your soft flesh? Can you hear me? Do you see me?
?Dji betoun-a?
Dji wabamiin-a?
Nash daboua niwi ashkwan,
Naoush muuk ni bataoukshiin
Dji betoun-a?
Dji wabamiin-a?
Rafael was the lone child at Josephine's Birthday Party and, just like I, young, he patiently waited for the birthday girl to blow out the candles so we can get on with devouring that delicious-looking thing covered in chocolate cream!!
"Hold me close
and tell me what the world is like
I don't want to look outside
I want to depend on your eyes
and your lips" L. Cohen
There are days when destiny just isn't at the rendez-vous I suppose!
When the god of night visited the god of peace and creativity, and offered him his reflection! Miroir, miroir, dis-moi!
"Toi qui porte sa tristesse comme un implacable manteau
N'oublie pas qu'une force palpite en silence
Au creux des pires solitudes, des pires sanglots
Et ton deuil fait partie de ta renaissance.
Il fait sombre sur ton coeur
Comme un hiver empli de glace
Jusqu'au fond de toi il neige des frayeurs
Des chagrins, des larmes tenaces.
Les orages violents sont des perles de douceurs?"
Janique Watier
?I know he would've felt outrage at the thought of seeing 6,000km of forestry roads being constructed on the land that has sustained him and many generations before him, including his own Grand-parents.
I can't write or talk much about my father, he left me early, I only want to walk the virgin forests he left for us all, and travel the lakes and rivers he canoed with such dexterity; after him! (Speech, at Laval University on Environmental Justice)
"La Mer navigue/
La Terre marche/
Le Ciel vole/
et moi, je rampe pour humer la vie?" Rita Mestokosho
The story of her arrival echoed across the lights and stars of this Other World, but she now had to return?
-Do you, she said, hear that music, that song?
-The music can be you, responded Tshe-Mannduu, I, the song!
?-But don't tell the world.
(In:Short stories and Other Musings)
Or?Is it the Devil on my shoulder?
?Okayyyy, so I've got a slight something for those high heels! Other than that, I'm sane, really!!
Comment chantait-il? "Donne-moi des peanuts/J'm'en va chanter "alouette" sans fausse note." Or something like that!
On sait bien qui on vise, ICI!
Behind seat 8A, this claim just ticked me. Mundane or pompous, whatever, I say : Cause toujours mon wabush!
They looked lost on a rainy day, and I was in a united state of mind and enjoyed wholeheartedly an evening over dinner with Elaine, Felix, Maitee and Stephanie.
And by the way, on this day four hundred years ago, Henry Hudson sailed into a river that carries his name now, Happy Biiiiirthday New York! (But I still prefer Paris?)
Maybe a Siren calling or just a Friday afternoon skywatching as season turns, and brings light to the First Spring!
"Oui, ma vague, sois orgueilleuse,/Car radieuse ou soucilleuse,/Je suis ton vaincu, tu m'as tien:/Tu me roule comme la vague/?P. Verlaine
?she came out of her long voyage to the world of Spirits unknown to us on earth, and found herself carrying an unborn child, likely chief-given! (Short Stories and Other Musings)