the lovely learned slave stands paralysed by art
is it announced as a tribute to respect of the black body ?
contemporary slave is half naked in the cold of winter
she stands eternally stuck under the glare of the passers by
with shy abiding bended face
the place is a rich street
the passers by are proud to be open minded anti racists
the artist likes concepts likes learned attitudes
the artist is proud and satisfied
the lie is the learned contemporary attitude
the art serves a profitfull sweet colonization of the minds
#learned #contemporary #artistic #slave #attitude #colonization #sweetColonization #colonizationOfTheMinds #lie #untruth #learnedContemporary #artisticSlave #contemporaryAttitude #ZADdesDémons #uneparjour #pogography #pogographie #blackandwhitepower #blackpower #pouvoirdunoir #nuit #noirceur #skinpower #pouvoirdelesclave #ritual #rituel
FRANCE 2018 - ShipWreck of Financial Capitalism in War against People
#France #ShipWreck #naufrage #capitalisme #financialCapitalism #capitalismeFinancier #WarAgainstPeople #MacronCasseToi #artisticSlave #contemporaryAttitude #ZADdesDémons #uneparjour #pogography #pogographie #blackandwhitepower #blackpower #pouvoirdunoir #nuit #noirceur #skinpower #pouvoirdelesclave #ritual #rituel